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Pasta and beans yes, but with fresh beans!

Pasta and beans (with fresh beans)

Here, I write and I mean fresh beans, out of season, even frozen ones:
They are excellent, almost as much as those just picked.

Besides the season of the beans it is what it is;
and then, as an alternative to the wonderful dried beans we have the frozen ones that also save us a night of soaking!

A complete and nutritious single dish and, in this version, strictly vegetarian.

From my house I pass in every way: beautiful and freshly made hot, heated from the day before (if anything leftover ...) and also cold, with lots of olive oil and freshly ground pepper.

Like many other preparations of this type, I use broken pasta; basically all the remains found on the bottom of a box of pasta, as well as the cuttings - dried - the cuttings from when I prepare fresh pasta or ravioli.

This is certainly not a dish that is immediately ready, since it requires a short preparation but ... prepared in advance in anticipation of a return home after hours, with a short heated meal it is also a dish that is immediately ready!

And now, we prepare the ingredients on the counter and begin to cook


fresh (or frozen) beans cleaned g. 300
garlic cloves 2
sage leaves 4
salt q.s.
vegetables to fried TS. 4
extra virgin olive oil TS. 2
broken pasta (v. Note) g. 100
parsley, clean TS. 3
Pepper (black, strictly) q.s.


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Put the clean beans in a large pot (or educated currently from the freezer) together with cloves of garlic and sage. Cover with plenty of cold water (three or four fingers should be enough) and bring to a boil. At this point, lower the heat, the liquid will just simmer, and cover and cook for a good hour.

Keep on another stove of the other water, always on the point of boiling: during cooking, check the beans and mix them and if the liquid tends to shrink too much, add more water.

Do not be afraid to add too much: it will not be thrown away at the end of preparation but used for subsequent cooking.

About ten minutes before the end of the cooking time, season with a pair of jacks generously with coarse salt. Continue cooking and yet, at the end, before removing from heat, taste: if necessary add salt and, if the beans were too hard, continue cooking for a few minutes.

Drain the beans, keeping aside and heat (should just simmer) the cooking water, and discard the garlic.

Pass half of the beans with the immersion blender (or more traditionally with the vegetable mill!) And a couple of ladles of the cooking liquid. Keep others aside for the time being.

Prepare a vegetable chopped (or use the one of the escort in the freezer - click here) And fry it in the pan with olive oil; After a few minutes add a couple of ladles of hot cooking liquid and cook about ten minutes on medium low heat.

Now add the beans, raise the heat and cook for a few minutes.

Complete by adding the beans, a good half of the water left, bring to a boil, taste and, if necessary, add salt.

Now is the time to throw the pasta and continue cooking, stirring often, for the time necessary.

This soup must not then dry, without hesitation, gradually absorbing the liquid to continue to add!

Turn off the heat, season with parsley (also that of the home stock - click here) And pepper, preferably freshly ground.

Let stand, covered, for a few minutes and then serve letting everyone add, at its sole discretion, olive oil and possibly other pepper.

Buon appetito!


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