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Because there are not always new recipes?

Bucatini all'amatriciana

Yeah, this is a question that I was asked a few times:
why not the public new recipes every day?

Very simple! Photos and recipes are those of what goes on the table from me, that is, from kitchen Fulvio.
It is not that I, every day, beloved to me in a different preparation;
still cooking there are some dishes that have returned more often on my table, even for they are very appreciated and requested by my guests.

For example a few days ago, chatting with neighbors, it was decided (at ten o'clock on Saturday night ...) that the next day would be my guests lunch ; and, limiting myself to my stocks of home unable to go to the store, I asked him what would have been welcome: and immediately came the request for a nice dish of bucatini amatriciana
I was right in the home of the umbo cheek with pepper, the hard ricotta pecorino and pecorino to be grated; the peppers were from my garden, ripened in the warm Oberland sun ...

I added a simple antipasto (crispy focaccia prepared at the moment and very thin slices of Arnad's lard), and then, after the pasta, just to dampen any remaining appetite, of simple bigio bread to accompany a beautiful cheese of Val di Scalve given to me by a visiting friend.

For dessert could not miss my apple pie for every day; good and quick to prepare, it is always good for all occasions!

But ... there are also recipes that are half-ready, sometimes the photos, others the text. Or it's all ready but the photos do not satisfy me as they should, for example the recipe of my braised.

And so I do not publish them much ...

Fear not however, the publication goes on, for a long long time.

Therefore: get ready and ... enjoy your meal!

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