vegetarian cooking
Every time someone writes to complain to me that my website is missing a section for vegetarian recipes ...
this is not so, in fact!
To be the recipes are there but, given my proverbial laziness, I never cared to sort and classify.
Read the rest ...
vegetarian cooking
Every time someone writes to complain to me that my website is missing a section for vegetarian recipes ...
this is not so, in fact!
To be the recipes are there but, given my proverbial laziness, I never cared to sort and classify.
I decided to remedy proposing a list, updated from time to time, of all the preparations that do not require meat or fish.
Clearly it is not about recipes Vegan, Then you will often find milk and dairy products, eggs and, why not, honey!
or at random ... Country cut potatoes, spicy potato wedges While chatting away from home with friends over a beer, it's always worth nibbling on something; maybe, instead of the usual french fries ... |
or at random ... Sometimes it takes very little to put together a dish at the last moment! Since the night before I had left the mushrooms and onion into thin slices ... |
All my unique dishes (or seconds, depending on hunger!):
or at random ... Since I had a nice big courgette, I decided to prepare a cordon bleu for vegetarians. Among other things, much simpler than how I usually prepare it. ... |
It is very difficult in my kitchen to prepare sweets with lard ... - and if anything asked for it, even if only for frying, I will indicate it carefully - Why do not I take the list of sweets and dessert!
Whenever a new entry can be qualified as vegetarian you can also find it in this list.
The suggestions in this case, I leave to those who visit this page and will want to recommend something to improve it!
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Ratatouille, Provencal-style vegetables
Mediterranean cuisine is full of great vegetable dishes, rich in colors and aromas.
Ratatouille is one of these great dishes and I, I confess, love it very much.
It certainly requires some patience and attention in its preparation.
But the result is worth the effort!
I prepare it like this ....
Lentil salad with roasted eggplant and confit cherry tomatoes
This is not my recipe: it was taken from the book Simple by Yotam Ottolenghi and I liked it so much that I couldn't help but propose it again in my cooking notes.
It is certainly not a perfect reproduction but even so it is good and does not present difficulties of preparation:
so it fits my kitchen!
Read the rest of the recipe...
When I have guests and, I confess, not only, I love to start lunch by putting on the table many bowls with different creams from all sources.
Often it is tzatziki, as well as garlic butter or anchovy butter.
Sometimes, then, creams of eggplant or other vegetables.
Now, you can't miss this tasty and colorful beetroot hummus!
Walnuts sauce,
Ligurian cuisine
This sauce, typical of Ligurian cuisine, is known as the typical accompaniment of pansotti (the traditional herb tortelli from this region) but not only.
I also use it to season pasta; and it is always a success.
The simplicity and speed of preparation are combined with an extreme versatility of uses, from simple pasta, precisely, to very tasty filled pasta.
- Sweet and sour caponata with aubergines
- Rustic eggplant pâté
- A vegetarian puttanesca
- Baked stuffed peppers, a vegetarian proposal
- My sour peppers!
- Colomba pasquale (bread!)
- Peperonata: summer baked pan of peppers, onions & tomatoes
- Vegetarian recipes: let's talk!
- Vegetarian couscous, on vacation
- Vegetarian recipes