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The usual apple pie ...
this time decorated!

Grandma's apple pie


La my apple pie, the one that every time I get bitten and bring to the table.

Excellent, but to break the monotony, every time with a different look!

As in this version.

Read the rest of the recipe ...

Instead of slicing the apples into small pieces or sliced ​​to let them sink into the dough, this time I'm limited to get eight slices of each apple.
And instead of letting them sink from the cut, I placed them flat, carefully, on the surface of the dough ready to come fired.

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In this way, while just sinking, and they have given a beautiful design to the surface of the cake.
Here it is freshly baked!

Then, as always, it has been left to cool on a wire rack sprinkled with powdered sugar.
Powdered sugar to pass again a second time before bringing it to the table.
The design remains perfectly highlighted.

And the taste?
Great, as always!


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  • Excellent for breakfast, afternoon tea and after dinner as well, sunk in an armchair reading a book (of kitchen, of course!)

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