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Homemade cottage cheese

The home-made cottage cheese

As anyone who reads me already knows, I'm completely addicted to homemade Greek poured yogurt; excellent, tasty and healthy but… from two liters of milk I get a liter of yogurt and a liter of whey.
So I looked for various solutions: the first, and most immediate, is ricotta.

To prepare it, besides the serum, you don't need much else; and everything among other things present among the things always available in the kitchen.

It also takes some time; but this is an ingredient that is always needed in smaller or larger quantities!


Serum casting yogurt, ca.



fresh milk










Pour the whey mixed with the milk into a saucepan (it will give the ricotta a creamier flavor), put it on the stove and bring to a boil.

Remove from the heat and let it cool for a few minutes (it must drop below 90 °) and add the vinegar (or lemon - see note) and salt, mixing with a whisk.
After thirty seconds, cover and leave to rest, without touching, for at least an hour.

After this time, gently transfer, with a ladle, the curd into a perforated container lined with a filter cloth (or a cloth) as already done for the preparation of yogurt,

cover and open only to mix gently every now and then until the liquid has poured and it will be possible to recognize a solid part.

Lift the cloth by the edges, collecting them to form a bag and squeeze it slightly to facilitate the escape of the liquid. Transfer the bundle in a cheese strainer cheese (I use a normal plastic strainer ...). Place a weight on it and wait one to two hours, depending on the desired consistency.

Remove the weight, open the cloth, place a saucer over cheese strainer (Strainer ..) and flip.

Remove the cloth: the ricotta is ready.

A recommendation: no preservatives or stabilizers were used, so this is not a long shelf-life product; must be consumed by the following day.


  • The vinegar can be replaced by the juice of a lemon, well filtered.
  • Warning: do not expect a large production of ricotta from this procedure: with this amount of whey and milk, you will be able to obtain a maximum of one and a half pounds of homemade ricotta.

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