Potato Salad"the tartar" 

Potato salad "la tartare"!

And why never the tartar?
It got its name because the dressing, with the exception of the mayonnaise, is made from the same ingredients that are used to prepare the tartar sauce!

It is a potato salad that is very simple to prepare but extremely tasty.
The first time I put on the table I served me three times before I realized that I was leaving behind all the other things that I had prepared ...

The ingredients are always close at hand and the preparation is truly within everyone's reach.
It can also be prepared the evening before a lunch or a picnic and stored in the fridge.


for the salad
potatoes hard cheese (if possible, short stories) g. 1'000
rinsed capers TS. 2
gherkins chopped TS. 1
chopped chives Tz. ½
parsley leaves Tz. ½
fine chopped dill Tz. ½
hard-boiled eggs pc. 3
salt and pepper q.s.
for the vinaigrette
apple vinegar (or wine if necessary) TS. 1
Dijon mustard ml. 1.5
extra virgin olive oil TS. 3
salt and pepper q.s.


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Put the potatoes (whether it is new potatoes, washed very well: will you eat with the peel) In a pot, cover with water add salt and bring to a boil.
Lower the heat and continue cooking (in the case of new potatoes are sufficient 10 'in 12').

Meanwhile, prepare the vinaigrette by placing the ingredients in a jar that we can close tightly and shake the manner of a shaker:
unorthodox but very effective method!

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Slice the new potatoes in half lengthwise (if it is normal potatoes, peel them and slice them into four wedges to be divided in half again, if necessary) and dress them still hot with the vinaigrette in a salad bowl.
Allow to cool.

Cook eggs, place them in cold water and still hot tap them all; when they have cooled it will be easier to shell them.
Then slice them into four segments, for the long and keep them for a moment aside.
Add the other ingredients to the salad, mix, add salt and pepper if necessary, and then add the egg cloves, stirring gently.

The salad is ready!



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