The mashed potatoes

The mashed potatoes

A little 'time ago, chatting with a friend, he asked me why in my collection of recipes was not present the classic mashed potatoes.

There and then I fell from the clouds: after all, the puree, I said to myself, is always the same;
and it is prepared as it has always been done.

Leafing through my collection of cookbooks I have reached to think again: everyone prepares it in a different way!

It starts with the most spartan preparation, and in its own way elegant and refined: the potato, just boiled, is crushed on the plate with the prongs of a fork and mixed at the moment with a knob of butter.
Up to preparations which provide various herbs and aromas, and the addition of Parmesan ...

I, in my small way, I prefer to keep it simple and give me just a grated nutmeg (I like very much) and milk; in smaller or larger quantities depending on the puree I want to obtain.

key ingredient, again, the potatoes: floury ones, like the gnocchi.


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floury potatoes



salted butter






salt for cooking



salt for seasoning (if necessary)


nutmeg (optional)

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Wash and peel the potatoes, halve the potatoes too big.
As the potatoes are peeled, leave them in cold water so that they do not spoil.

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Prepare a pot sufficient to contain the potatoes in a single layer.
Put the drained potatoes in the pan, season with a CT of salt and cover with cold water.
Put the covered pot on the stove and, from the moment the water is boiling, cook for about 20 '.
In any case, check with a knife that is well cooked.

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Drain them in a colander and immediately ...

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... mash them while still hot in the pot in which 100 g of butter have already been put.
Mix with a ladle until a smooth cream is obtained.

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Taste it to evaluate the possible need to add salt also taking into account the dish this puree is intended to accompany.
Add the nutmeg to taste. If you don't like it, skip it: a good puree is still good even without it.

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Put the pot on the stove and mix adding the separately heated milk in a saucepan:
the quantity of milk indicated may vary according to the quality of the potatoes and the final consistency that you want to give to the puree.
Continue to mix on the fire until a smooth cream is obtained.
The puree is ready to serve.

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